The Book Brain: How Reading Transforms Us
When you really think about it, the fact that you can read
this sentence is nothing short of amazing.
In a fraction of a second, you are able to look at a series
of complicated shapes, identify each one and connect it to several possible
sounds, group those sound options together into units of words, connect each word-unit
to one or more possible meanings, and then based on its relative position in a
sentence, convert a series of lines and curves from simple visual stimuli into
an abstract idea. And you are probably able to do this while also listening to
music, eating a snack, or perhaps even both.
The written word is omnipresent in our modern lives, and
these days it’s safe to say we take it mostly for granted. But, as Falk
Huettig, Régine Kolinsky and Thomas Lachman note in their recent article, ‘Theculturally co-opted brain: how literacy affects the human mind,’ the very concept of rendering those ideas into a series of repeatable symbols
is only about 6000 years old.
To put that into perspective, the modern human evolved into
being roughly 200,000 years ago. The Neanderthal is thought to have died out around
40,000 years ago. The first undisputable evidence of domesticated wolves dates
from circa 12,700 BCE. Over 8,000 years after that, we first gained the ability
to commit our thoughts to paper—or rather, to clay, since paper didn’t exist
Every time you crack open a book, peruse a menu, or actually
bother to consult the manual, you are hijacking a series of brain systems that
were not originally meant for such a purpose. “Pre-existing perceptual and
cognitive skills must be recruited, modified and coordinated…” writes Huettig
et al. “Complex perceptual and cognitive procedures are overlearned and become automatized
with extensive practice over years.”
Because of this, we can say that reading literally rewrites
the brain. And that seems to have overreaching effects.
For instance, by comparing test results between pre-literate
children and beginning readers of the same age, and between literate people and
illiterate people, researchers were able to prove that increased mirror-image
discrimination (that is, being able to distinguish identical shapes based on
their orientation) is a direct effect of developing the ability to read.
The article also cites a 2018 paper by José Morais, which
argues that literacy itself can potentially have tremendous effects on one’s
ability to analyze and organize thoughts, think critically, and facilitate well-informed
public debate. Morais also reminds us that, according to UNESCO, about 15% of
people 15 or older are functionally illiterate. (And that’s not even including certain
individuals on twitter who may be able to string words together but clearly
could still use a boost on the analysis and critical thinking end of things.)
So the next time you glance over your iTunes terms and conditions,
take a moment to appreciate your ability to resolve those strange squiggles
into words and thoughts. Reading may truly be the greatest brain hack of all.
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