Crayon Eaters, The Dude, and What's Wrong With American Politics
After I graduated from college, I spent the first seven years of my professional career teaching school. If you think back to your own school days, you probably remember there was always one kid sitting in the back, not quite with the program, off on a secluded mental island where white sands and a steady sea breeze allowed him to float downwind from the cacophony of classroom chatter, unrestrained flatulence and the general din of anything I might be trying to teach. His unique approach also made it acceptable to eat a crayon from time to time, usually the red ones. ("Ah," you say, "yeah, I remember that kid…”) As I stood in the front of the classroom, I used to try to imagine what the kid with the crayon stained teeth might be thinking about. I’m reminded of how 21st century sage Jeffrey Lebowski, a.k.a. The Dude, once described his own ruminations. “You know, a lotta ins, lotta outs, lotta what-have-you's. And, uh, lotta strands to keep in my head, man. Lotta s...