The Beginning

After reading a ton about neuroscience, I've decided to start a blog chronicling a self-experiment. For the next 40 days, I will be attempting to accomplish 14 goals, leveraging all that I have learned about brain function. I suppose this is not really that big of a deal for a guy who once taught Nixon to fly. I started with 13 goals, but during a casual conversation, my daughter Jess threw in, "Hey, while you're at it, you should add eating more slowly to the list." I was already mildly concerned about hitting my 13 original goals. So you can imagine when she pitched that curve ball, I had to think twice about it. Many of you know that the world record holder for eating fast is Barbara Lilian Freeman, and though I have challenged in the past, I've never been able to achieve her mastication prowess. Now here was Jess, in the middle of my shot at glory, suggesting I give up one of the secret goals I've harbored for years: beating Babs. If y...