Cause and Correlation, or the Pirate Problem

As you can see from the above graph, global warming is pirate-based. It's something I think we all suspected, but were hesitant to advance until the facts could be summarized in a handy graphic. There is something about information delivered via graph that instantly lends an air of unassailable authority. The person trapped in the cube next to you, or even the guy down at the gas station couldn’t possibly carry the credibility of a simple graph. It is an axiom of business that any presenter worth his or her salt is going to fill their PowerPoint with charts and graphs. The more the better, and the more oblique and difficult to read the best. Data delivered with a graph says "Here is the evidence, plain and simple. Let the ascending and descending lines tell you the story." The problem with the story, as with the graph above, is that we aren't just suckered into believing correlation implies causality. We start thinking correlation is causality. Governments...