The Reptile Brain Fights Back: Extinction Bursts

Let’s suppose that you’ve got a habit you want to break. You’ve followed the following five habit-breaking rules: 1. Tell a friend you’re going to break a habit to help put pressure on yourself to actually follow through 2. Be persistent; whether making or breaking a habit, it’s generally believed you need about 60 days of reinforced behavior to cement a change 3. Enlist a friend for moral support when you find your will weakening 4. Plan out a meaningful reward to give yourself once the habit is eradicated 5. Keep track of your daily progress towards breaking the habit to reinforce positive habit-breaking behavior Everything’s going smoothly, and then just when you think you've rewired your brain, you’re blindsided by a sneak attack from within. Once you understand that your rational brain is up against an internal conspirator, you might not be surprised to discover the nemesis is your emotional brain, sometimes known as your reptilian brain, which has some habit main...