What's in Your Brain Attic?

Hoarders are an interesting lot. Some contend that it’s a form of mental illness: the compulsive need to hold onto a wide variety of items—or occasionally, animals— far exceeding their possible utility. There are the classic cases, the houses reduced to a series of claustrophobic tunnels through floor-to-ceiling piles of magazines, broken televisions, commemorative lunch-boxes, and so on. And once those pathways close up with the overflow, the logical move? Rent a storage unit. The explosion of storage units across the county seems to only be rivaled by new nail salons and Starbucks. I’m not suggesting that storage units are only frequented by hoarders, but undoubtedly it does allow a hoarder a kind of unlimited opportunity to continue their calling. To the non-hoarder, this behavior seems unfathomable. Why would anyone collect so much stuff that they’re clearly never going use? I don’t pretend to answer that question. But what if the hoarders among us aren’t really out...