A Berry Gone Sour: The Demise of RIM and BlackBerry

Hey, remember BlackBerry? In this day and age, it's basically the smartphone equivalent of asking about digital watches or portable CD players. So it may be hard to remember that less than a decade ago, BlackBerry phones were at the technological forefront, a staple of the busy, the important, and the with-it. People joked about their BlackBerry addictions to the point where "CrackBerry" was Webster Dictionary's 2006 Word of the Year. In 2009, Fortune magazine named RIM, the makers of BlackBerry, as the fastest growing company in the world. Today, you may still know a BlackBerry user, but it's probably that eccentric friend who won't throw away their video cassettes in case the VCR makes a comeback. Have you ever wondered what happened? Probably not. But hey, now that I brought it up, aren't you curious? RIM's 1999 BlackBerry was revolutionary. In a time when cellphones weren't good for much beyond making calls, here was a palm-sized P...