Shattering the Three Myths of Expertise

In the last twenty years we’ve learned a tremendous amount about how expertise is created. Scientists like K Anders Ericsson from Florida State University have been leading the charge. His new book, Peak, Secrets from the new Science of Expertise chronicles years of experiments examing how expertise is attained across a wide spectrum of domains. Ericcson’s findings shatter three commonly held myths about experts. The first myth— Talent is bestowed upon you by winning the genetic lottery . Many people believe that their IQ, for example, is fixed and nonmalleable, as is their abilities in sports, mathematics, the arts and so on. In other words, you’re either born with talent or you're not. Repeated research has shown that IQ, like early talent in a given domain, has very little causal relationship to the level of expertise you can eventually attain. Acquiring expertise, instead, shows a one to one correlation with the kind and quality of your training p...